The WasteMINZ AGM 2024 ran without a hitch on Thursday, 17 October, with about 30 people attending in person and 10 online.
At the AGM, WasteMINZ chair Parul Sood and WasteMINZ chief executive Nic Quilty talked through the annual report - including the work we've done over the past 12 months and our financial situation. You can read the annual report here.
Members voted to adopt a slight change to the WasteMINZ Rules, which documented in writing that nominees and nominators for WasteMINZ Life Membership must be current WasteMINZ members. Parul highlighted that work needed to be done to ensure there was robust criteria for life membership nominations, to ensure the Board can make informed decisions when ratifying the nominations.
The full AGM minutes, with the updated WasteMINZ Rules, will be included in the next WasteMINZ Circular on 31 October.
Thank you to WSP for hosting us!
Board members
All three Board members have been re-elected. Congratulations to:
Dave Bull
HAIL Environmental
Parul Sood
Auckland Council
Paul Evans
Congratulations to Parul Sood and Sue Coutts on their Life Membership. You can read more about them below.