WasteMINZ Board election 2024

Members of the WasteMINZ Board, from L-R: Chris Purchas, Dave Bull, Sandy Botterill, Parul Sood and Alec McNeil (Missing: Paul Evans)

We are calling for nominees who reflect our diverse membership. For us, this means a board that has a broad range of experience, skills, thinking, gender, culture and ethnicity.

Board members provide governance and strategic direction for WasteMINZ, monitor the organisation's performance, and protect the integrity of the organisation. 


The Board consists of six WasteMINZ financial members who are elected for a term of two years. Three of the six elected Board members complete their two-year terms at alternate annual general meetings, so there are three spaces available. 

If you are considering nominating someone, please ask them to read the Board Charter and the FAQs below so they understand the expectations of a board member.


Nominations are now closed. Voting will commence on 18 September, 2024. 


Nominating a Board candidate

Who can be nominated?

Anyone who is a paid-up financial member of WasteMINZ (i.e. anyone who has paid their 2024 membership invoice) can be nominated for the WasteMINZ Board. 

The only exception to this is for those who are under Student Memberships, as students are not eligible to be nominated for the Board. 

The Board election process is determined by the WasteMINZ Rules, as adopted 20 October 2020. 

I want to stand for the Board - what do I need to do?

That's great! Make friends with another member of WasteMINZ, who has also fully paid their membership invoice, and ask them to nominate you. 

You, or your nominator, will need to fill out an online nomination form (available from Thursday, 8 August, 2024), and have the following details handy:

  • The nominator details (including contact details, position and organisation)
  • The nominee details (including contact details, position and organisation)
  • Nominee bio and headshot. 

Your nominee bio should give WasteMINZ members a good understanding of who you are and why they should vote for you. 
What do Board nominees need to know?
Role of the Board: The role of the Board is to provide governance and strategic direction to WasteMINZ, monitor the organisation's performance, and protect the integrity of the organisation. You can read more about WasteMINZ's strategy here

Time commitment: We ask that any nominees consider the time commitment required to be an effective member of the Board. This will usually involve four Board meetings a year, as well as other WasteMINZ business which is conducted by email and video calls.

Overall, a minimum commitment of approximately one day every two months may be required. WasteMINZ Board members volunteer their time but are reimbursed for relevant expenses.

Board charter: The Board is guided by the Board Charter. Please read this if you are considering nomination – it provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities of the Board.

Voting process

How many votes does my organisation get?

Each membership level is eligible for a different number of votes, which will be outlined in the email sent to your primary contact, with your organisation's voting papers. 

To learn about the different levels of membership and how many votes each membership level receives, go to our Membership Options page

When will I receive voting papers?

Voting papers will be sent out to the primary contact of all paid-up financial members of WasteMINZ on Wednesday, 18 September, 2024. You will have until Friday, 4 October 2024 to cast your vote.

If your organisation pays its membership invoice during the voting period, your organisation's primary contact will receive voting papers within a week of payment. 

Why haven't I received voting papers?

If you haven't received voting papers, it may be as a result of two things:

  • Your organisation might not have paid this financial year's invoice for membership, or
  • You aren't your organisation's primary contact. 

If you're in an organisation with a number of votes, you'll need to contact your primary contact to discuss your preferred candidate. If you want to know who your primary contact is or want further information about payment details, contact cj@wasteminz.org.nz
When will the Board members be announced?

The new Board members will be announced at the WasteMINZ AGM on Thursday, 18 October. Details for this are TBC.