• Product Stewardship Sector Group Steering Committee Nominees - 2024

    WasteMINZ Product Stewardship Sector Group has Steering Committee Elections currently - please see below the details of the nominees.

WasteMINZ's sector groups/working groups

Each of WasteMINZ's eight sector groups and 15 working groups are managed by one of the WasteMINZ team. If you would like more information, please get in touch with the relevant team member – their details are below:

Fiona Lavin

Sector Programmes Manager 


021 0260 4000

Sector Groups: Product Stewardship; Recycling & Resource Recovery

Working Groups: Construction Waste; Reuse; Disaster Waste; Identifying Training Gaps for Office Based Jobs.


Charlotte Whiter

Sector Project Manager 


021 497 114

Sector Groups – Health, Safety & Wellbeing; Territorial Authorities' Officers Forum; Organic Materials

Working Groups – Battery Collection Sites; Farm Waste; Organics from Landfill Ban; Promotion of Waste/R&R sector; Restructure of H&S Guidelines.


Madelon De Jongh

Sector Project Manager 


022 382 3245

Sector Groups - Contaminated Land Management; Disposal to Land; Behaviour Change

Working Groups – Asbestos Disposal; Joint Contaminated Land Management/NZ Geotechnical Society; Residential Lead; Soil Disposal Sampling; CLM Conference Working Group; CLM Webinar Working Group.


How do WasteMINZ' sector groups operate? 

WasteMINZ has developed terms of reference and operating guidelines to define how sector and technical working groups are formed and operate.

Each sector group operates under the WasteMINZ umbrella, which provides professional support, to help the sector group achieve its goals. The groups represent the technical expertise and knowledge that is WasteMINZ. The Board and staff of WasteMINZ act as facilitators, empowering each group to achieve their goals, in line with the guidelines. 

How are they structured? 

Each sector group has a steering committee who guide the work programme.  Members of the steering committee represent the sector and are elected to the committee by their peers. 

The sector groups are mostly formed to meet specific goals, such as shaping policy, developing industry standards and good practice guidance, developing training and development processes, along with conducting research and development.

Our work

The sector groups strategic plans and work programmes, meeting minutes and committee membership details can all be found in our MEMBER ONLY PORTAL.  If you are a member and need help signing into the member portal, or are unsure of your membership status, please contact us

Tackling Aotearoa New Zealand's waste, resource recovery and contaminated land management issues - WasteMINZ's priorities

In November 2023, WasteMINZ released a document outlining the key issues for the sectors in Aotearoa New Zealand, the work and advocacy WasteMINZ members have undertaken to address these issues, and recommendations on what actions need to be taken by the Government. You can read it here

Sector Group Guidelines for finding credible research

The Organic Materials Sector Group, with input from the Behaviour Change Sector Group, have produce guidance on how to find credible sources of information when you are researching a topic. The guidance has clickable links to take you straight to these credible sources. You can download the Guide here.

Behaviour change

Share knowledge and resources to develop and encourage the implementation of behaviour change good practice.

Disposal to Land

The sector group was established to promote a consistent and good practice approach to the management of waste disposal to land by:
  • Providing a consistent and good practice approach to the development and operation of Disposal Facilities
  • Exploring the future of the industry in regard to landfill sustainability and new or innovative technologies in relation to land disposal
  • Investigating appropriate and safe land disposal requirements for wastes, particularly problem wastes
  • Strengthening industry collaboration and stakeholder relationships and increasing knowledge

Sector Group Projects

Organic Materials

Product Stewardship 

The Product Stewardship Sector Group was established in 2018 to advance mandatory schemes for the priority products announced by the Minister in July 2020, ensure regulated schemes are designed to include high level principles of equity, the repair hierarchy and accessibility.

A Right to Repair working group has been advocating for Right to Repair measures in Aotearoa since 2019.

Sector Group Projects 

Health, Safety & Wellbeing

The sector group was established promote a person-centric approach to HS&W with real world application relevant to the industry by:

  • Pursuing opportunities to educate and advise about the role of HS&W to help change perceptions about its importance and place in an organisation
  • Representing our diverse range of WasteMINZ members, and supporting all types of organisations, individuals or groups in the WasteMINZ membership to access best practice health, safety and wellbeing guidance.
  • Focusing on repositioning HS&W within organisations to have greater consideration at the planning/design stages of operations rather than it being the all-to-often ambulance at the bottom of the cliff
  • Focusing on good leadership, effective risk management practices and worker engagement.
  • Taking a role in advocacy to support all industry entities to have a voice 

Industry Guidelines 

Sector group resources

Recycling & Resource Recovery  

The vision for the R&RR Sector Group is to work with the people of Aotearoa to maximise the recovery and delivery of high-quality materials for remanufacturing that aligns with a move to a circular economy, and which keep products and materials in use, at their highest level.

Territorial Authorities' Officers Forum 

Restricted to local government members, the Territorial Authorities' Officers Forum (TAO Forum) was established to create consistency and efficiency of service amongst territorial authorities through sharing knowledge and best practice around waste, recycling and resource recovery. 

The TAO Forum instigated the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. and contributing TAOs provide the ongoing funding for it. Three councils took part in a LFHW Pilot Intervention project in 2022. The results of the project can be found here.

The TAO Forum co-funded the Rethinking Rubbish and Recycling (see above under the Behaviour Change Sector Group), which included the Plastic Free July Aotearoa campaign.

In 2018 the TAO Forum commissioned Eunomia to produce the Local Government Waste Manifesto, which outlined the waste management actions which the TAO Forum thought central government should prioritise. The manifesto was adopted as a remit by LGNZ in 2018. The manifesto was updated in 2020 to reflect the work that had been progressed by central government since the publication of the original manifesto.

The TAO Forum embarked on a further update in 2023, as many of the priorities had been progressed by the Ministry for the Environment. The updated manifesto was released in August 2023, and helps to build awareness of the waste related priorities for local government and ensure the delivery of the waste strategy and other key priorities. Learn more here.