• WasteMINZ exists to make a positive impact on Aotearoa New Zealand

    WasteMINZ is the largest representative body of Aotearoa New Zealand's waste, resource recovery and contaminated land sectors. 

    But it’s not all rubbish bins and recycling.

    Our eight sector groups provide best practice guidance, thought leadership and resources on some of Aotearoa’s pressing issues – such as the circular economy, right to repair, sustainable practices for businesses, lead contamination in residential properties, kerbside collections, a container return scheme and food waste. If you’re a member, you can access additional member only resources and information through the member portal.

You can now search the WasteMINZ website for relevant information and documents. We are using a google platform, so please scroll past the Google ads and you’ll see your search results.

Who is WasteMINZ?

Formed in 1989, we represent small and large waste operators, materials recovery facilities, community groups, researchers, food rescue groups, major supermarkets, tech companies, packaging producers, contaminated land specialists, consultants and many others looking to make a difference to the environment.

Our members help to shape the waste, resource recovery and contaminated land management sectors in New Zealand and provide input into relevant legislation and policy from central government.

Our strength lies in the focus of our sector groups, our breadth across the entire waste, resource recovery, and contaminated land sectors, and the passion and expertise of our members. 

What we do

We put people and the environment first

Our priority is to protect and conserve the environment through sustainable, ethical and consistent approach to our sectors. 

We value evidence-based decision making

We aim to provide a compelling evidence base to underpin New Zealand’s transition to a low carbon circular economy.

Specialists and subject matter experts across our membership readily share their research and wisdom through articles, papers, events, workshops and webinars. Current topics include: microplastics and emerging contaminants; lithium-ion batteries; safety for kerbside collectors; and being safe around rubbish trucks.  

We’re future focused

We ensure that investments in our sectors are strategically planned and take a long-term view. 

We advocate forward-thinking in the design of products, processes and packaging to minimise waste and protect our future generations. Our sector groups work on campaigns and directly with manufacturers to achieve this, such as publishing guidelines for compostable packaging.

We advocate for our sectors

We want to enhance the visibility and mana of our sectors with communities and government. Our sector groups regularly provide feedback on consultations such as proposed changes to the Waste Disposal Levy, New Zealand Waste Strategy,  container return scheme and lead contamination. 

We keep our members informed of legislative change and maintain networks with the Ministry for the Environment, Cabinet Ministers and key decision makers. Our sector groups also instigate discussions with central government on key issues.

We support our sectors

We help our members to excel and thrive through supporting sector-wide advocacy, market intelligence, and continuing professional development. We run workshops, webinars and other events for our members to learn, network and connect with each other.


Our biggest member event is our annual Conference. The 2023 Conference, Expo + Workshops saw more than 600 people attend to share knowledge, form connections and provide professional development opportunities.

We do the mahi

We coordinate the national Love Food Hate Waste New Zealand campaign, and lead significant projects with significant outcomes for New Zealanders, including research into plastics and national discussions such as standardising kerbside collections and leading right-to-repair discussions. 

We publish good practice guidelines, position statements and lead public campaigns, such as Do Bin Day the Safe Way. 

WasteMINZ Membership 

Student membership 

Eligible for one contact

Individual membership  

Eligible for one contact 

Small Business/not-for-profit membership

Eligible for up to two contacts.

Corporate membership

Eligible for up to four contacts.


Eligible for up to eight contacts


Eligible for up to 20 contacts

Platinum membership 

Eligible for up to 50 contacts

Questions? Contact us now

Our platinum members