Presentation pitch

The presentation pitch has now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted their presentations! 

Key dates for the conference
  • Last day to get your presentation pitch in: Wednesday, 21 February
  • Presenters notified of outcome of their presentation pitch: 29 February 2024
  • Preliminary conference programme released: 21 March 2024
  • Last day to get PowerPoint presentations to the WasteMINZ team: 8 May 2024

Feel free to get in touch with Sarah Pritchett if you have any questions. You can reach her on

We look forward to hearing your great ideas!


The following are some suggestions of broad topics you might like to consider. Your pitch can be technical or application-based (such as case studies, which we encourage).

Moving on up the hierarchy

We want to hear about activities that focus on the top of the waste hierarchy – those that prevent waste in the first place (designing out waste) and those that reduce it (reuse and preparing for reuse, such as repair).

Kua hua te marama: Circular systems
This year we are mixing it up. Rather than having an organics waste only session, in the same session (or sessions) we will combine talks that demonstrate the circular economy and circular bioeconomy (food waste, green waste and biosolids) in action
Challenging the status quo

We want to hear about innovative ideas and projects that go beyond business as usual to solve a waste related problem. We also want to hear about challenges that you or your organisation have tackled that no-one else would go near. 

Placing the future at the forefront

Urgent action is needed to reduce our carbon emissions and stop the flow of waste being created. Tell us about your efforts to reduce emissions and waste including measuring the whole-life carbon impacts of our waste. Other future focused topics could be on the role of AI in this sector, or how your organisation is preparing for disasters or has learnt from a disaster your organisation has lived through. 

He tangata, he tangata, he tangata

How do we look after our people both physically and mentally? For example, we are interested in knowing if the move to working from home has  affected people’s wellbeing and how your organisation has managed this, or whether burnout is becoming all too common and what your organisation has in place to mitigate this.  We also want to hear from organisations that have experienced a serious incident and have now taken steps to eliminate this risk.

The built environment

Tell us about issues and initiatives related to vertical (buildings) and horizontal (roadings and other transit related projects) construction, including: soil, the challenges of and solutions to servicing multi-unit dwellings, and how C & D waste is being minimised and diverted. If your organisation is doing something great in that space, share it! 

The elephants in the room

A place to discuss fast growing but little talked about waste streams such as, soil, hospital or sanitary waste (and no doubt a multitude of others); much talked about but with few solutions yet (such as batteries and textiles) as well as tools that may provide solutions but aren’t yet in place (such as CRS, waste-to-energy).


Any project that had two or more organisations joining forces to get stuff done.  This could include topics such as social and environmental procurement or partnering with community organisations to do things differently.

Let’s get technical
Share your technical expertise or insights in the realm of contaminated land management and disposal to land . This could include the impact of soil disposal, novel risk assessments, unusual remediations, and cutting-edge communication tools for Conceptual Site Models (CSMs).
This session is a firm favourite with the audience (previously called Pecha Kucha) and allows you to present a snapshot about anything that you are passionate about in under 7 minutes. These presentations are suited to talks that have a lot of photos. 

Presenters' costs:

If you are selected to present, you will be responsible for your own expenses and must register for the WasteMINZ conference.  Presenters receive a 10% discount on the registration fee.