Wednesday, 18 October, 4.45pm-7pm
WSP offices, 100 Beaumont Street, Westhaven, Auckland
Join the WasteMINZ team and Board for an overview of the previous year, which will include financial reports, events, sector groups’ projects, campaigns, events, and submissions. The new Board members will also be announced.
If you are a financial member of WasteMINZ, you can vote on any motions and resolutions.
Only members who have paid this year’s membership invoice can attend the AGM and vote on any motion. Student members, as non-financial members, can attend but do not have any voting rights.
The WasteMINZ Rules advise that if you would like to bring any notices of motion to the AGM, you must email these to the Chief Executive 28 days prior to the AGM. If you have any notices, please forward them to Nic Quilty at nic@wasteminz.org.nz by 20 September 2023.
The Annual Report, which will include the Statement of Accounts, together with any notices of motion, and Life Member nominees, will be circulated to members at least 14 days prior to the AGM.
4.45pm - WasteMINZ's Annual General Meeting
5.30pm - Networking event